
The Night Before Christmas: A C is for Cthulhu Holiday Tale

Created by C is for Cthulhu

A festive new board book reimagining the holiday classic in Lovecraftian style, paired with Santa Cthulhu plush toys in time for Xmas!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tips for Dressing the C is for Cthulhu Baby Plush Toys (6") in New Santa Suits
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 12:07:17 AM

Hey there, C is for Cthulhu fam! 

An awesome week of shipping has been underway! As the books and plush toys are arriving, we wanted to share a few tips specifically about dressing the BABY C is for Cthulhu Plush Toys in the new custom fit Santa Suits. 


Tyler from the C is for Cthulhu team made a quick video showing best practices for dressing your plush toys in the new suits. Parents may need to assist their little monsters in dressing the baby plush toys when they arrive. 

Dressing the C is for Cthulhu Plush Toys Tips

1.) C is for Cthulhu Plush Toys and Santa Suits are packed separately in plastic bags. Remove the items from the bags. 

2.) Start by unbuckling the belt from the C is for Cthulhu Santa Suits, and separating the velcro fastener that holds the suit closed. 

3) Insert Cthulhu Wings through the wing slots in the back of the suit first. 

Two wing slots are built into the back of each Santa Suit. Insert the wings first when dressing Cthulhu.

4) Remove the Diecut Tag from the C is for Cthulhu plush to fit through the Santa Suit Arm. 

5) For the baby C is for Cthulhu plush toys especially, you may have difficulty feeding the plush arm and hand all the way through the small custom fitted arm sleeve.  To help do this easily, use a SAFTEY PIN. 

For the baby Cthulhu plush especially, fishing Cthulhu's arms through the custom fit sleeves may be challlenging for little (or fat) fingers. A safety pin makes this so much easier.

Stick the safety pin through Cthulhu's hand and close the pin. Then feed the pin hand through the sleeve first, and pull the pin all the way through the sleeve, until the hand pokes through. Unfasten the safety pin, and repeat with the other sleeve. 

Stick the pin through Cthulhu's hand (he won't feel a thing!) and then fish the pin through the sleeve first.

6) Close the suit by fastening the inner velcro and then buckle the santa belt. 

7) Put the Santa Hat on your Plush Toy's head to complete the outfit! 

All decked out for the holiday season!

8) Enjoy your C is for Cthulhu holiday plush & board book this Christmas season!   

Fulfillment Update! 

The teams have been busy packing and fulfilling orders, and as of this morning, 88% of all orders are already out the door and on their journey to our backers. 

All of the larger package groups have been packed and shipped, and now we're down to fulfilling the single one-of-one orders.  We expect to work through 2 more big shipping days this week to get the remaining orders out the door, and plan to be 100% shipped (less any backers who haven't filled out the survey or whose pledges were unable to be collected) by Halloween at the latest. 

Thanks once again for joining us on this awesome journey! 

- The C is for Cthulhu Team

Shipping Shipping Shipping!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 12:02:41 AM

Hey, friends! We wanted to jump back in with a shipping update, as a lot of process has been made in the last week, and also share a cool special bonus we've secured for our fans for another awesome Lovecraftian Kickstarter project. 

The first order of business is to report that hundreds of orders are going out the door today! Two of our three shipping teams have commenced the pick-pack-ship process and are working hard to get all of these amazing rewards into your hands. 

As we mentioned in the last update, shipping is happening at three locations, based on what products backers are receiving. Both our Chicago Team and Litchfield, ME team are fully stocked with products to fulfill their orders, and working hard to get them all out the door this week.  The Newburyport team is still waiting for a palette of books to arrive, with an ETA of today... though freight shipping windows can be a little unreliable.  We're pretty confident that all teams will be shipping by the end of this week, and most packages will be on the way to backers by the end of next week.  


We're sending tracking numbers to all backers when their rewards have shipped via an automated Backerkit email, however, you can always look up the status and access your tracking inside your Backerkit Pledge manager, in the same place you can access your digital rewards. 

If your package has shipped, the status will show as Project is Shipping, and you'll have a VIEW CONFIRMATION button.  Click on that, and you'll see the Tracking info for your package in the upper left hand corner.

Note, sometimes it takes a few days for tracking info to update, and in some cases your tracking labels are printed in advance, but won't be applied to the labels until a little later.  

Things are always a little crazy as we get all these awesome pledges out the door, so we appreciate your patience. We know you're going to LOVE the new stuff! 

Backerkit Pledge Manager can be accessed at

PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: DREAMQUEST - 48 page Lovecraftian horror one-shot

Hey, while you're hear, we wanted to recommend another awesome Kickstarter project to you. This one isn't for the kiddies, but rather for fans of darker Lovecraftian lore. 

Between 1918 and 1932, HP Lovecraft wrote a series of stories set in the "Dreamlands." Several of the stories focus on the character of Randolph Carter, who's loosely based on Lovecraft himself. At the end of the Dream Cycle, Randolph has disappeared into the Dreamlands and is desperately trying to return home.

Well, our pals Clay Adams and Mick Beyers have set out to expand on Lovecraft's Dream Cycle with an all new tale called DREAMQUEST --imagine Re-Animator meets Dream Warriors.

DREAMQUEST is a complete, done-in-one tale that expands on Lovecraft's Dream Cycle--imagine Re-Animator meets Dream Warriors. In it, Randolph's descendent Margo Carter goes Beyond the Wall of Sleep to rescue her great-uncle, but the monster Nyarlathotep stands in her way.


A Special Bonus Print Exclusively for C is for Cthulhu Fans Who Back Dream Quest!

We love sharing cool projects some of our fans might love... and we REALLY love it when the project creators are willing to hook our fans up with a little something extra! Mick & Clay are thrilled to offer this fun Margo riding Cthulhu print as a FREE add-on for any of our backers.  To get the print all you have to do is:

1) Go to the Dreamquest Kickstarter.

2) Back at ANY Physical Pledge Level (Starting at $15) 

3) Leave a Comment on their Kickstarter page saying what you like about the project and be sure to include the #CisforCthulhu so they know we sent ya! 

That's it! 

Hope some of you enjoy this one... but again, material and content wise, like most of Lovecraft's work, this one is for the adults, not the kiddies!


Okay, that's all for now! 

We've gotta get back to packing and shipping! 

- The C is for Cthulhu Team

The Night Before Christmas Cthulhu Books Have Landed!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 03:52:13 PM

Hey, great news! We're thrilled to announce that our books have cleared customs and are being checked into our Chicago warehouse today! 

With 1000 orders to ship and the where our product is located, we're taking a divide and conquer approach to our fulfillment. Currently, all of our books have been shipped to our main warehouse near Chicago (Team 1). After checking in the books,  the Chicago Team's first order of business is to put together a palette of books for our other two teams in Litchfield, ME and Newburyport, MA. 

Team 1 in Chicago will be fulfilling most of our BOOKS ONLY rewards, and those should start going out by the end of the week.

Team 2, in Litchfield, ME, is where the new shipment of plush toys and Santa Suits landed, and that team will be most shipping plush only and most plush & board book combo pledges. They'll start as soon as they receive their palette of books from Chicago. 

Team 3, in Newburyport, MA, is also awaiting a palette of books, and they'll be in charge of shipping the collector's boxes, all of the international combo orders and some of the larger combo orders.    

It's a little complicated, but we've done it before and we'll make it work! All packages will be shipped with tracking numbers, and you'll be able to see those inside of Backerkit. 

Appreciate your patience as we put another awesome book in your hands! Shouldn't be long now! 

- The C is for Cthulhu Team

New Red Cthulhu's & Santa Suits Have Landed, Books Right Behind...
over 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2022 at 01:32:51 PM

Hey C is for Cthulhu fam, good news! 

Coming soon to a mailbox near you!

Our plush toy order just arrived from our manufacturer overseas! Included with this order is the brand new baby RED Cthulhus, all of the new Santa Suits in 12 and 6 in size, and a reorder of some of our most popular C is for Cthulhu Plush colors. 

We're unpacking the boxes and getting the inventory ready to ship out to you all...

The last piece of the puzzle is getting the shipment of both the new THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS C is for Cthulhu Book and yet another reprint of C is for Cthulhu.  We're expecting this book to arrive in our Chicago warehouse any day now. Once the books arrive and are unpacked, shipping will commence to all of you! 

The good news is... we have 95% of all backers' shipping info, so we're good to roll to ship most pledges once books are good to go. 

However, we still have:

- 43 Backers who have yet to fill out their Backerkit Shipping Surveys

- 5 Backers whose credit cards were declined in Backerkit and thus not charged.  

Both of those issues can be fixed by going to

We are at the very beginning of the fulfillment project to get final rewards out to all of you... but once those books arrive, we should be able to make short work of shipping. 

We'll keep you updated throughout the month as shipping progresses! 


Your Friends at C is for Cthulhu 

Locking Down Your Address as Shipping is Imminent!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 06:53:59 AM

Hey, C is for Cthulhu fam! Hope you're having an awesome start to September.  Just jumping in with a quick update with some key info:

  • Both our large order of BOOKS and new PLUSH TOYS & SANTA SUITS are scheduled to land in the US this week. It's anticipated that it'll take 2-3 weeks to clear customs and arrive at our warehouse. Which means we are RIGHT ON TRACK for October fulfillment to you! 
  • We are moving orders to LOCKED status in Backerkit in 48 hours. If, for some reason, you need to change your shipping address, please do that ASAP in Backerkit, as your order will be locked for shipping in 2 days! CLICK HERE TO VIEW OR CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS 
  • We still have 56 Backers who have yet to complete their surveys in Backerkit. If we don't have your surveys completed, we'll be unable to ship your rewards.  Note: Our policy is to hold onto rewards for backers for up to one year after our surveys are initially sent out. However, if a backer does not fill out a survey within a year's time, we will consider their pledge a contribution to the project.  We would much rather get you your awesome rewards, however, so PLEASE,  FILL OUT THAT SURVEY so we can get you those rewards! 
  • We also currently have 20 Backers whose Credit Cards were declined.  These would be backers who added on items after the Kickstarter or international backers taking care of their shipping charges.  Backerkit will have sent emails to get you to fix your cards automatically, but if you're worried your card might not have been charged correctly, you can view the status of your order in Backerkit here.  If there is an error with your card being charged it'll look like this:

You'll be able to update your card right in BackerKit on that page. 

NOTE: We will be unable to lock and ship any pledges whose charges didn't go through. 


The process of picking, packing and shipping over 1,000 orders is always a lot of work. Depending on what's in your package, how complicated your order, and where in the world it's shipping will impact its shipping order and how long it will take to arrive to you.  

We will also be shipping product from one of three different warehouse locations, based on what is included in your order, in order to minimize errors and limit the amount of product we're shipping multiple times.  

Everything WILL be shipped with a tracking number and those tracking numbers can be found in Backerkit once they have been shipped.  We just ask for your patience while we're in the thick of shipping regarding your orders, as it may take 3 weeks or more to process each individual order after we receive everything and start shipping. 

We're excited to get these products to you, and hope you're thrilled as well! It's gonna be a great Christmas! 

- The C is for Cthulhu Team

P.S. You may know that, in addition to publishing the C is for Cthulhu Series, our publisher ComixTribe, creates some of the best comics and graphic novels on Kickstarter.  They currently have an amazing new project full of dragons, sibling rivalry and kung fu vengeance. 

This is the story of two estranged sisters reuniting to settle a lifelong feud over the family dragon. 

It's one of the most backed graphic novels on Kickstarter right now, and is available in an AMAZING die-cut, foil enhanced hardcover. 

If you're a fan of kung fu movies, family drama, or if HBO's Sunday Nights aren't providing enough dragon squabbles for you...