The Night Before Christmas: A C is for Cthulhu Holiday Tale
Created by C is for Cthulhu
A festive new board book reimagining the holiday classic in Lovecraftian style, paired with Santa Cthulhu plush toys in time for Xmas!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Ornaments Arrived!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Aug 31, 2022 at 04:07:54 PM
Hey, friends! What could this package be?
Okay, so I spoiled it in the subject line...
We're loving these silver beauties and think they'll look great on your Christmas trees for years to come!
There were a small number of backers who ordered just the Silver Ornament or the Silver Ornaments + Already in Stock Items, so we're actually going to start shipping those this week.
For everyone else waiting on the new book and plush toys... well, we're also playing the waiting game. All of our products are on a ship somewhere taking the slow ride to the US.
As of right now, we're still on track to start shipping the rest of the orders in October.
We'll keep you posted as more of our product comes in!
The C is for Cthulhu Team
P.S. Oh yeah... PINS came in too! Aren't these adorable?
Wanna See How the New Plush Toys Are Coming Along?
over 2 years ago
– Sat, Aug 06, 2022 at 04:19:57 AM
Thank Elder Gods It's Friday! (Can we get #TEGIF going?)
You know we've been relatively quiet over here, with our heads down getting this project to the finish line, but we actually have some SUPER COOL updates we wanted to share with you all. (See below!) But first, a little bit of housekeeping:
We are up to 92% Survey complete over in Backerkit! (Yay!) That still means, though, that there are 77 amazing backers who we don't have the necessary shipping information to process their surveys and send you your rewards when they come in. (Boo!)
Moving? Need to Update Shipping Address? You Still Can!
As of right now, we are still on track to start shipping rewards in October. So, if you know you're going to be moving house prior to then, know that we have NOT yet locked down shipping addresses, and that you can update your address on backerkit.
To edit your shipping address, just log into your Backerkit at and click the EDIT MY ADDRESS button near the top.
If for some reason you're having trouble doing that, you can always message us through Kickstarter with your change of address, and we'll see that it gets manually updated.
Book Status Update
In our last update, we gave a status report on the plush toy production, but didn't mention the new book. Usually, our books come in prior to the toys, so it's usually the toys that are the thing that'll hold things up for us when it comes to fulfillment... but we totally get the desire for a book status update.
The books were sent to get plated at the end of June. We did a big run of the new children's book, as well as a large reprint (again) of the original C is for Cthulhu book. As far as we know, everything is still on track, but we've put in a request for a status update today from the printer/book manufacturer. As far as we know, everything is still on track for shipping in October, though we're always hesitant to make any declarative statements until our product has gotten off the containerships and cleared customs, which, have still been subject backlogs.
We'll keep you posted!
Slight Snag on Santa Suits, But Moving Ahead!
As we said in our last post, manufacturing of all of the new production runs of plush toys and new Santa Suits were set to wrap in the beginning of August. We actually got these pics in:
New Baby Red Cthulhus, all-packed up for the overseas voyage!
Cthulhu Santa Suits!
Then, last week, we received an update that, for some reason, the belts we had selected to use for our Santa Suits, were not passing Child Safety Testing Screening. We didn't get specifics on why exactly, but something about that material was causing our product to fail.
Thankfully, the manufacturer had a solution, and that there was a very similar belt fabric that they could use that would pass testing.
Here's the new belt fabric! Apparently this one will pass!
Now, the annoying part is that they only sent the product in for testing AFTER all 1250 santa suits produced were packaged up! So, the past week has been a scramble to get the new belts made, and swapped in on all of the Santa Suits.
We did have the choice to just let the product ship as is... but that's not how we roll. We always want you to trust that we're using safe materials on C is for Cthulhu toys. So, making this change did cost about 10 days in fix time.
So, the plush order is now expected to ship out to us NEXT WEEK. As of right now, we don't anticipate that to affect our ultimate shipping date to backers... but we just wanted to share some behind the scenes about the crazy little issues that pop-up when making this stuff!
Now, for the fun news we teased at the front... you know that your support of this campaign helped us greenlight the production of some new C is for Cthulhu Plush Toy Cocepts for other Lovecraftian creators in the mythos! We've been working on them with our manufacturer, and what follows is usually a process that takes some time to revise it. We thought it would be cool to share some of that with you!
SHOGGOTH - First Pass
We provided concept sketches of our Shoggoth from the books in order to show the factory what we're looking for. They they come back with a 80% or so done model where the focus is getting the overall shape of the toy down, but without doing the full detail and embroidery. Here's a look at their first pass on our SHOGGOTH:
Shoggoth. First Draft. Front.
Shoggoth. First Draft. Side.
Shoggoth. First Draft. Back.
Now, after our first SQUEES of delight from seeing this product start to come to life, our focus immediately goes to all of the things we see as potentially wrong or just "not quite right" about the doll.
With this one, we were mostly happy... but there were two things we wanted to address:
1) We wanted to shorten the base a bit. It looks way too tall here, and didn't quite have the shape we've shown in the books.
2) The eyeball placement isn't too too important, but we thought it'll look better if the eye under the mouth is centered.
Because sometimes things get lost in translation with our manufacturers, it's always best to provide a visual to go along with our feedback... so we sent them this image with our requests for changes:
Request for Revisions on the First Draft!
SHOGGOTH - Second Pass
We sent those off to the factory, and just the other day, we received these updated picks:
Shoggoth. Front. 2nd Draft with unfinished eyes and mouth embroidery.
Shoggoth. Side. 2nd Draft with unfinished eyes and mouth embroidery.
We definitely like this one better in terms of shape, look and feel!
We approved the factory to lock in this shape, and to move ahead with final embroidery details on the mouth and all of the eyeballs. We can't wait to get our hands on this one... but the most important question is:
Let us know in the comments!
We know there is a lot of excitement about the new plush toys we unlocked during the last launch, so we wanted to clarify again. Because we only started developing that plush in earnest after the campaign was over, we've opted NOT to open-up pre-orders for the Shoggoth Plush or any of the other new plush toys greenlit during this campaign. Reason being, we simply didn't know how long the development process would take, pricing info, timelines etc... and didn't want to hold up the awesome stuff that was ready to roll for the unknown of the new (but super awesome) products.
It's looking like that launch for the new plush toys will take place in early 2023... so please stay tuned for that!
Again, looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new Shoggoth plush... and keep your eyes peeled as we share pics of the other new plush toys in development over the next few weeks!
- Your Pals at C is for Cthulhu
Summer Update!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 01:10:41 PM
Hey, C is for Cthulhu friends! Hope your summer is going well. We're heading into a bit of a heatwave here in New England, so it's a good thing there are plenty of beaches close by!
Things are mostly quiet as production has been underway, but we wanted to just jump in and share a few key updates with you on the project.
#2: Production is underway! Books are printing and our new batch of plush toys and Santa Suits are under production now. We just heard from the toy manufacturer that the plush stuff should be done by early August, and they're starting to arrange oveaseas shipping plans now. Knock on wood, things seem to be right on track.
#3: We're Processing Orders for Canvas Prints This Week! One of the new products we offered during this launch for the first time were large format canvas prints. These prints are packaged and shipped from a separate facility, so we're going to start processing these orders now.
If you pre-ordered one of these during the campaign or added on using Backerkit, we're going to process those orders now. For orders placed with a credit card through Backerkit, those charges will go through this week. We'll also make sure you get tracking information sent to you on this order.
That's all for now!
Hopefully we'll have some pics to share soon of the new products!
The C is for Cthulhu Team
DIGITAL DOWNLOADS Have Been Unleashed!
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 05:03:49 PM
Hey, friends! Hope you're enjoying the beginning of summer. As we slide into the second half of the year, we're helping you kick it off right... we've just released your The Night Before Christmas: A C is for Cthulhu Holiday Tale Digital Downloads!
You should have already received an email with a link to your digital downloads, but if your inbox is as out of control as mine, you might have missed it.
You'll now find a "GET YOUR DIGITAL DOWNLOADS" button on your survey page!
1) Download the file Zip File.
2) Right click to Unzip.
3) Access your Digital Files!
Note: If you purchased a book bundle, there may be multiple ZIP files in your order, so that we could keep download sizes manageable.
We also want to give a big thanks and shoutout to the 933 backers who have already completed their Backerkit Shipping Surveys! Prompt completely of surveys helps us finalize orders on everything and ensures a smoother fulfillment process.
Not to worry, though, if you're one of the 144 backers who have yet to complete it...
We also wanted to let you know that we've already completed placing our orders for the books and plush toys for this project and production is underway. So, at this point, we're waiting for our manufacturing partners to do their thing... and this also gives us a little breathing space to plot and plan the next cool stuff we'll produce!
The C is for Cthulhu Team
SURVEYS ARE OUT! Here's How to Complete Your THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Order on Backerkit!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 03:55:46 PM
Thanks so much for your patience as we move to this next phase of fulfillment.
You should have already received an invite sent to the inbox of your Kickstarter email account for your survey powered by Backerkit! The email will look like this:
IMPORTANT: Please make through you complete the survey all the way through!
As you can see, we're just a few hours in and we've already hit nearly XX% survey completion status! We really appreciate that so many of you are getting this in ASAP... and we're also thrilled so many backers are selecting ADD-ONS for their pledge!
That's right... if you forgot to add any items to your pledge during the Kickstarter or have decided to upgrade your pledge, there are a wide variety of amazing add-ons to choose from:
We appreciate all the additional add-ons and the promptness of survey completion!
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
And after you complete your survey, we'd love you to share your enthusiasm for the project on social with one click!
We love all 1,000+ of you who helped make this project possible.
- The C is for Cthulhu Team
P.S. Any questions or issues with the survey... please let us know!